May is National Elder Law Month! - How We Support Our Seniors May isn't just about flowers and sunshine; it's also National Elder Law Month! With Donna Stefans serving as a board member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, this holds a special significance...
Your Family's Goals Are
Avoid these mistakes when applying for Medicaid
Many older adults in New York require high quality long-term medical care but cannot afford the costs associated with this type of care. The government provides healthcare to eligible aging adults (65+) through the Medicaid program. However, many people make mistakes...
Medicaid planning and trusts for long-term care
Over the past few decades, there has been a population boom of older Americans who need long-term care. Whether they live in an assisted-living community or a more intensive medical facility, these Americans and their families face enormous expenses. Many Americans...
Special needs planning in New York
When a person has a physical or mental disability and lacks the capacity to manage his or her own financial matters, it may be necessary to create a special needs trust. A special needs trust is managed by a trustee. The person for whom the trust is managed is called...